Headwaters Charitable Trust

Welcome to Headwaters Charitable Trust, a non-profit organization committed to helping communities thrive economically and enhance recreational opportunities while promoting environmental sustainability.

Our Work Why Us Donate Today

What We Do

At Headwaters Charitable Trust, we believe that ecological assets and communities are interdependent, and our mission is to empower communities to cherish their natural and cultural heritage while also providing them with access to green jobs and fresh, nutritious foods.

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How We Do It

We recognize that thriving communities require a healthy environment, and we work to create opportunities for people to connect with and appreciate their local natural resources.

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Why We Do It

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the physical and mental benefits of outdoor recreation, and we work to create and maintain trails, parks, and other outdoor amenities that enhance quality of life.

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By promoting sustainable land use practices and supporting local farmers, we help to ensure that future generations will have access to clean air, water, and food.